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Expectations for Submitting the CSU Online Course Registration/Refund Appeal Form

  • For this appeal, you are expected to complete this form and submit any documentation of extenuating circumstances. 
  • This form will ask questions related to the course or courses you are appealing. You may need to check your unofficial transcript in your RAMweb account (click for link) to fill out the course information. 
  • The documentation of extenuating circumstances needs to match the dates of the course and verify your statements in the appeal. 
  • The form may take 10-15 minutes to fill out. It may take you some time to gather your documentation of extenuating circumstances. 

Please note: When you register for a course at CSU Online, you are responsible for the costs associated with registering for the course and for the grade that you receive. 


  • Save your progress along the way. 
  • Consider writing and saving your answers in a Word document 
  • In order to check spelling and grammar. 
  • So that you have a back-up of your appeal answers in case your internet goes down while you are filling out the form.
Appeal Instructions

When you register for a course at CSU Online, you are responsible for the costs associated with registering for the course and for the grade that you receive.


The University realizes that circumstances beyond one’s control do occur. Colorado State University offers an appeal process that allows students who experience extenuating circumstances to request a waiver of a policy that, if enforced, would result in unsatisfactory academic performance and/or financial consequences. Such circumstances may include but are not limited to the following:

  • Death in the immediate family
  • Serious medical condition
  • Military deployment
  • Involuntary job transfer
  • Natural disaster

The following examples do not qualify as extenuating circumstances; therefore, they do not relieve you of your financial and academic responsibilities. Please do not submit an appeal form if the following circumstances apply:

  • You are attempting to repair/raise your GPA.
  • You exercised poor judgement and/or poor time management skills.
  • You lacked knowledge regarding University policies and procedures.
  • You were not aware of or you failed to utilize University resources.
  • Your job responsibilities changed (e.g. you worked increased hours, assumed additional projects/duties, received a promotion, etc.).
  • You have ongoing health issues for which accommodations should have been given prior consideration.
  • You learned, after registering for the course, that you no longer needed the course.

Important: Determine if You Are Performing a University Withdrawal*
a. If your appeal is approved, the result may be that you are also performing a University Withdrawal.


You are performing a University Withdrawal if you withdraw from your entire class schedule (whether your class schedule consists of only one course or of multiple courses).

If you have been admitted to and you are seeking a degree at CSU and you drop your last course (University Withdrawal), you will be dropped from your degree program. As a result, you must be readmitted to your degree program before any future credits or grades will apply to your degree. It is important that you speak with your departmental advisor about the impact that a University Withdrawal may have on your degree, your academic requirements, and on the readmission policies associated with your degree (undergraduate | graduate).

b.  You are not performing a University Withdrawal if you drop one or more of your courses, but you still have at least one or more courses remaining in your class schedule.

*Note: This information applies only to students who register for courses during the spring and fall semesters. University Withdrawals are not available in the summer semester; therefore, this information does not apply to students who take courses during the summer semester. If you are submitting your appeal after this deadline, please provide an explanation (and supporting documentation, if applicable) for why you missed the deadline.

Appeal Submission Deadlines

  • Credit course: Your appeal must be received within six months after a grade for the course has been posted. Appeals submitted after this period will not be accepted, unless you have documented reasons for failing to meet this deadline.
  • Noncredit course: Your appeal must be received within six months after the last day of class. This does not apply to contract courses because they are for academic credit.

Note: The CSU Online Appeals Committee will review appeals received after the deadlines described above if extenuating circumstances prevented you from submitting your appeal in a timely manner. These circumstances must be described, documented, and included in your appeal.

Appeal Meetings, Notification Process, and Decisions

  • The CSU Online Appeals Committee meets the last Thursday of each month (except for University holidays). To have your appeal reviewed, you must submit it by 5:00 pm MST on the Thursday prior to the last Thursday of the month.
  • Appeals received after the deadline will be reviewed at the next regularly scheduled CSU Online Appeals Committee meeting.
  • You will receive confirmation by email that your appeal has been received.
  • Notification of the decision related to your appeal will be emailed within 7–10 business days after  the committee’s most recent meeting.
  • Decisions of the CSU Online Appeals Committee are final.
Are you Eligible to Complete this Form?

Are you appealing related to on-campus/face-to-face/residential instruction courses? 

  • This is the appeal form for online-only courses. 

Are you a graduate-level student who is appealing for online courses? 

  • You can submit this appeal form if you have withdrawn already from the course(s) you are appealing. You would be appealing for a tuition refund with this appeal form 
  • If you are currently registered in the course that you are appealing OR you completed the course in a previous semester: 
  • You must request a late or retroactive drop (with a refund of tuition) or to request a late withdrawal (with no refund of tuition). To do so, you will submit a Registration Appeal to the Graduate School. You can call the Graduate School at 970-491-6817. 

Are you an undergraduate-level student who is appealing for an online course?

  • And are you appealing to be removed from an entire past semester or semester’s worth of courses?
  • If so, you will need to submit and have an approved retroactive withdrawal appeal first before you can appeal for a tuition refund with this form 
  • To request a retroactive University Withdrawal, submit an appeal form to the Collaborative for Student Achievement (970-491-7095). For more information, click Retroactive Withdrawal on their website.
Extenuating Circumstances

When you register for a course at CSU Online, you are responsible for the costs associated with registering for the course and for the grade that you receive.


The University realizes that circumstances beyond one’s control do occur. Colorado State University offers an appeal process that allows students who experience extenuating circumstances to request a waiver of a policy that, if enforced, would result in unsatisfactory academic performance and/or financial consequences. Such circumstances may include but are not limited to the following:

  • Death in the immediate family
  • Serious medical condition
  • Military deployment
  • Involuntary job transfer
  • Natural disaster

The following examples do not qualify as extenuating circumstances; therefore, they do not relieve you of your financial and academic responsibilities. Please do not submit an appeal form if the following circumstances apply:

  • You are attempting to repair/raise your GPA.
  • You exercised poor judgement and/or poor time management skills.
  • You lacked knowledge regarding University policies and procedures.
  • You were not aware of or you failed to utilize University resources.
  • Your job responsibilities changed (e.g. you worked increased hours, assumed additional projects/duties, received a promotion, etc.).
  • You have ongoing health issues for which accommodations should have been given prior consideration.
  • You learned, after registering for the course, that you no longer needed the course.
Appeal Submission
The following form will help you submit your Appeal to the CSU Online Appeals Committee. If you have questions, please contact: csu_online_appeals@mail.colostate.edu
CSU Online Course Registration/Refund Appeal Form

Note to Graduate Students: If you are an admitted graduate student or a non-admitted student taking graduate level coursework through CSU Online and you wish to request a course registration change, you must submit a Registration Appeal Form to the Graduate School. If you wish to request a refund of tuition and course fees after a course registration change approval, or if you only wish to request a refund of tuition and course fees (no course registration change), you must submit a CSU Online Course Registration/Refund Appeal Form included below.

If the Outcome of your Appeal Results in a University Withdrawal

A university withdrawal is when a student is removed from all courses in an active semester (even if the student was only registered in one course, it is still a university withdrawal if that one course is removed). 

If you are an undergraduate student: 

  • Are you appealing the only course you are registered in this currently active semester? Or are you appealing all of the courses you are registered in this currently active semester? 
  • If so, one of the outcomes of the appeal is that you could receive a university withdrawal 

If you are a graduate student: 

  • Are you appealing the only course you are registered in this currently active semester? Or are you appealing all of the courses you are registered in this currently active semester? 

  • If so, one of the outcomes of the appeal is that you could receive a university withdrawal 

  • You will likely be dropped from your degree program through the university withdrawal process 

  • You must connect with your degree program on the steps to be readmitted into your graduate-level degree 

Readmission policies associated with your degree (undergraduate | graduate).

Appeal Checklist

Student Info

Note: If you are appealing for more than one term, please submit a separate form for each term

Veteran Benefits Office
Note: This will not prevent you from submitting an Appeal, but you may need to contact this office for further guidance
Phone (970) 491-6340


100 Centennial Hall


9:00am – 5:00pm Monday – Friday


9:00am – 4:30pm Monday – Friday

You can only use this form to appeal CSU Online sections (example 801, 802, 809, etc.)

The CSU Online Appeals Committee does not review On Campus Sections (examples 001, 401, etc.).

Indicate the prefix, number, title, and number of credits associated with the course and the semester that you took the course.

e.g., CO

e.g., 150

e.g., 801

e.g., 3

e.g., College Composition

Note: If you have any bookstore charges, math or composition placement charges on your account, these will not be refunded through this process.

Note: Failure to include documentation of your extenuating circumstances will result in the denial of your appeal. If the form is not completed properly, that could affect the timeliness of the appeal processing

Medical Form

Please provide this form to your Health Care Provider and upload as an attachment in section 4 before submitting your appeal.

Note: If you have been admitted to the Graduate School and if you are also submitting a Graduate School Registration Appeal Form, you may include a copy of the Instructor Evidentiary Contribution to Student’s Registration Appeal from the Graduate School form in place of an email from the instructor as requested in step #3 above.

By checking this box, I am indicating that all documents are complete/included and that any documentation requested from a third party (e.g. medical provider, instructor) will be received by the date/time the CSU Online Appeals Committee reviews your appeal. If any information is incomplete, please note that it will delay processing of your request.

I understand that decisions of the CSU Online Appeals Committee are final.

I have contacted the Office of Financial Aid (970-491-6321), and I am fully aware of any financial implications resulting from my appeal (if applicable).

I have contacted the Veteran Benefits Office (970-491-6340), and I am fully aware of any financial implications resulting from my appeal (if applicable).